Wednesday 14 October 2015

Information Creation as Process

Information Creation as a Process refers to the understanding that the purpose, message, and delivery of information are intentional acts of creation. Recognizing the nature of information creation, experts look to the underlying processes of creation as well as the final product to critically evaluate the usefulness of the information.

Information in any format is produced to convey a message and is shared via a selected delivery method. The iterative processes of researching, creating, revising, and disseminating information vary, and the resulting product reflects these differences." ACRL Framework.




Identify the format of the sources you find for your research topic (see Research as Inquiry) and articulate why the chosen formats are appropriate for the information need. 
  1. The first activities is the divide the group into four small group and the task will be divide among the four small to search on different databased and internet to find the information about this topic "Terminal ill patients assistes suicide in Cape Town. The groups had been given various formats of the source to look at

3 Book
Leenaars, Antoon, et al. "Suicide, assisted suicide and euthanasia: International perspectives." Irish journal of psychological medicine 18.01 (2001): 33-37.

Sullivan, Amy D., Katrina Hedberg, and David W. Fleming. "Legalized physician-assisted suicide in Oregon—the second year." New England Journal of Medicine 342.8 (2000): 598-604.


2.The small group will discuss about how the different formats are been created and the process and assess the difference between an information products
3.The students will discuss and create a platform where they blog about their creation process of padcosts and what it involves to create such formats