Sunday 11 October 2015

information has value

Information has value has acknowledge that the creation of information and products originated the owner and certain government policy had moved production  to certain government information into private hands and thereby increase the price to access

Information as intellectual property, information source are affected by economic, sociological and political influence.Product may may have a privilege of some voices over other.due to economic incentive. Expect understand the consequences of selecting a wireless technologies, and mobile devices have increased the ability to access information from almost anywhere at any time. While it would be reasonable to assume that these changes have led to an abundance of information that is easily and freely accessible, the reality is more complicated. In fact, while information its

ppropriate research methods,the limitation of publishing practices and the boundaries to access the information ecosytems 

The advances in technology have addedfrom information requires commitment of time, original thoughts, and resource that need to be respected by those seeking to use the product,it can be vidoe, image ,book, journal.

Information as intellectual property recognises  three important dimension, information as commodity, it can market value, information can be bought and sold. It also means that information because it has a market values, its also has a market consumers.This can also determine how information source are shared whether given freely, afforded for sale or leased for temporary access. Once the information is separated from been a public use and it could be owned and the copyright law help to protect  another layer of complexity. On the one hand, technology has made the tools for producing and disseminating information more widely available, meaning more people can participate in the process of creating and sharing information. 

Further, the Internet, Web, wireless technology and mobiles devices had increase the ability to acces information at any time.It can assume that thse change can abundantly information easy and freely acessable. Infact in reality it is complicated  to accces nformation itself is more abundant than ever before, access is often limited. In many cases, publishers and other copyright holders appear to be exploiting the uncertainties arising from new technologies to exercise even greater control over the information they produce. For example, many of pay licensing fees in order to access information for a limited time, after which they must pay for continued access or lose the content 

We had also can into considerable to issue of the right to access in formation according to the Bill of Right and the social injustice  that exist in access information and the participation effectively under the economic condition that are heavily influence by social class. It involve the inequality to access internet and access educational information, this does have impact individuals by also communities and even the nation as whole may not have technology infrastructure to access information 

Expect had recognize that the online activity and information they contributed to online sites can be used for economic gain by the sites themselves.They maybe uses personal information harvested from social media or advertisement placed or "free" webtools or app.Once it present online is monitored, tracked and monetized 

1.The learner will will go to the University database I selected four library materials and the will discuss about who produce the material, who is the created and when the material is crated and the formats.
2. Learners will asked to look at the images online and choose 4 images and give us the link where the find the images.Have to show the class if the see the producer of the production 
3..On the blogs learners discuss how do the go about finding information or have an access to information and how is the information created.What do they understand about plagiarism 
Material need


  1. Dear Khosi,

    I think you probably published this by mistake cos its empty...?

  2. Hope this will be up by tomorrow on the due date!
