Saturday 25 July 2015

In the class we had looked at  learning thoeries and tries to understand individual learning behaviours andtried to understand technigues the benefits if each end every theory. We watch movies on You bute bases on different different on how the educator tried to motivate and make the learners understand the outcome of the learning areas

 Learning theories are conceptual frameworks describing how information is absorbed, processed, and retained during learning. Cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences, as well as prior experience, all play a part in how understanding, or a world view, is acquired or changed and knowledge and skills retained.learning theories


 A spacious classroom with teenage students working in pairs at desks with laptop computers.
 We have different learning areas and the we also learn differently from toddlers to adulthood. There are

This are the information literacy frame works and they have been developed through bringing together thinking about variation in approach to teaching; learning and IL with thinking about approaches to curriculum and the idea of viewing problems through identifiable frames.Altogether, six frames are presented:
(1) The Content Frame
(2) The Competency Frame
(3) The Learning to Learn Frame
(4) The Personal Relevance Frame
(5) The Social Impact Frame and
(6)The Relational Frame.
Each frame brings with it a particular view of IL, information, curriculum focus, learning and teaching,Content, and assessment.Information literacy frame work

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