Tuesday 25 August 2015

Research strategic



The research is bit challenging because we need to go deeper, explore and engage with information. Simplify the complex issues by identifying gap in knowledge.We need to use  right information  resource and  avaliable data to address the issue.

Image result for research inquiryInquiry  focuses on problems  "Assisted Suicide in Cape Town  and we recognize that it is a problem in South Africa. However we need to get a view of the other people about the issues. What do people about "Assisted suicide". The academic views, the debate and dialogues and we need to depend the conversation by involving individual groups in the community.We need to collect evidence and right research methods of data collection required by this strategy

 Image result for search strategy

 1.The group need to do mind mapping and selected key word or concepts for formulate at a search strategy. The group need to simplified the topic by keep on asking questions.
2. The group need to select a searching strategy the is going to be effective and give them better results
and they need to decide on the format and number of sources, acceptable and un acceptable resourses,
3. The group need to identifies the key databases and resource to start with and evaluating and eynthesising infromation from different sources
4. The learner will nake a research logs or write a brief reflection on the research and shared with other groups and identified the gaps
5. For the library support, the learners will be visit the library and ask the subject librarian to amke a course guide or session to guide them.  
    Material need
    Books and journal  articles
    Newspapers pamphlets /  e-publications
    Draft papers about Assisted suicide
    List of organisation deal with "Assisted Suicide"


    • The learners will be able to  formulate questions for research based on information gaps or reexamination of existing, possibly conflicting, information;
    •  Learnes will determine an appropriate scope of investigation;
    •  Learners will be able to deal with complex research by breaking complex questions into simple ones,
    •  limiting the scope of investigation, conducting a series of investigationsin the community
    • The learners will  monitor gathered information and assess for gaps or weaknesses and do the follow up interviews
    • The learners synthesize ideas gathered from multiple sources like the newspaper clips and the legal draft paper on the issue
    •  They will draw reasonable conclusions based on the analysis and interpretation of information;
    • The learners will  use research appropriately to make decisions and take action.
    • The learnes will be  manage information effectively.

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